10/25/2015 11:30

License, Download, Print and NFT

Royalty-Free (RF) : All Royalty-Free licences include global use rights.

Rights Managed (RM) : All Rights-Managed licences allows the one-time use of the photo as specified by the license. Price is for the one-time use of the digital file for making a photo print; excluding the cost of the photo print.

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    License Photo 'Willibrorduskapel Geijsteren'

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    Rights Managed (RM)
    All Rights-Managed licences allows the one-time use of the photo as specified by the license. Price is for the one-time use of the digital file for making a photo print; excluding the cost of the photo print. The stated dimensions are indicative only and based on a standard ratio of 3:2.

    Royalty-Free (RF)
    All Royalty-Free licences include global use rights. The stated dimensions are indicative only and based on a standard ratio of 3:2.

Below you find some links to other websites where you can download different licenses (web-ready, print-ready, product-resale or NFT) of this photo.


Chapel Willibrorduskapel in the forest of estate Landgoed Geijsteren, Geijsteren, Netherlands.

  • Long before the building of this chapel - in gothic style - the location was a place of pilgrimage. The chapel dates from around the 16th century. Next to the chapel there is a centuries old well traditionally known as the holy spring and a boundary stone out of 1551.


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