


We had to wait long this winter but finally there is a tiny layer of snow. Last evening and night the landscape got a touch of white. Because it is not likely we get some more snow this winter I had to get up early. Because of the minimal amount of snow the choice was easy: the hilly riverdune area in nature reserve Bergerheide. For a forest or densely overgrown area there was just too little snow.

On the way to Bergerheide I almost made a u-turn because halfway the fields got greener instead of whiter. At the roundabout in Well, just across the Meuse river it turned white again so I decided to continue instead of driving back to Venray to Boshuizerbergen.

About 5 minutes after I arrived at Bergerheide another car pulled into the parking. It was way too early and dark to walk the dog or go jogging. This had to be another photographer who also has chosen the smallest parking at the Ceresweg. After the first photos I shot at the dirt road leading around Bergerheide I continued to the small fen Rondven and I was right it was another photographer indeed. It turned out that a fellow photographer had driven the exact same route from Venray :). After a short conversation we each went our own way. He stayed at the small fen and I went to the riverdunes surrounding the bigger fen Driessenven.

Even the minimum amount of snow gives a very different atmosphere to the landscape. The results of this morning can be seen in my series Winter Bergerheide 2016. I hope I can change the title of this series to First Snow Bergerheide 2016 and that we will get some real snow this winter ...

[ www.williammevissen.nl/photography/series/winter-bergerheide-2016/Photography-in-series-Winter-Bergerheide-2016-by-William-Mevissen.html ]

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